What We Treat
Dr. Roberson serves as integrative medicine consultant, working along with your primary care physician. She is a board-certified gynecologist who can also perform your annual well-woman examination. In addition, she can treat a variety of conditions including, but not limited to, the following:
- Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
- Women’s hormone imbalances
- Menopausal symptoms
- Fatigue
- Sexual dysfunction
- Family planning
- Urinary tract infections
- PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome)
- Irregular periods
- Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
- Auto-immune conditions
- High cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Anxiety and/or depression
- Stress

Having trouble getting pregnant? Many conditions that contribute to infertility – PCOS and others – can be assisted with non-pharmaceutical treatments. Our complementary therapies can also supplement fertility treatment regimens and help keep you balanced and healthy as you embark on your journey to motherhood.
They say that having a baby changes everything – and it’s true! Of course you love your baby, but you might also be missing yourself a little bit. Sleepless nights and constant caretaking can take their toll on your body and spirit. The Healing Space can help you get your groove back after you have a baby. While you’re busy taking care of everyone else, we’ll help you relearn how to care for your own needs – and we’ll show you the building blocks your body needs.

Bio-Identical Hormones
Are you a woman experiencing fatigue, hot-flashes, mood swings, sleepless nights? Do you just feel off balance? The Healing Space has natural remedies to help your body restore its equilibrium and we can also prescribe bio-identical hormones for women who need them. Some of the hormones which could be recommended for you are estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA.
Your body needs different things at different times in your life. If you find that transitioning to a new phase of life has affected your health or the way you feel, we can help. We take an individualized approach to determine if bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is right for you. Our goal is to optimize your health and improve your symptoms in the most effective and natural way possible.
No matter what your current state of wellness or what you hope to achieve, we can create a custom program to meet your needs – just call.